UKG Ready Background Check Integration
We keep it simple. A no-hassle UKG Ready HRIS background check integration.
(SwiftCheck utilizes an expert third-party integration company with over 23 years of experience for all ATS / HRIS integrations.)
UKG Ready Integration
SwiftCheck provides a pre-built integrated UKG Ready background check integration to users. This UKG Ready integration allows background check information to the UKG Ready HRIS. From the standard UKG Ready background check integration to a complex Kronos UKG Ready HRIS integration solution, SwiftCheck offers an integration that fits your organization’s needs. Our Swift Suite technology solutions allow better employment background screening turnaround times and cost-saving features without ever having to leave the UKG Workforce Ready interface.
About UKG Ready
At UKG, our purpose is people. As strong believers in the power of culture and belonging as the secret to success, we champion great workplaces and build lifelong partnerships with our customers to show what’s possible when businesses invest in their people. One of the world’s leading HCM cloud companies today, UKG and our Life-work Technology approach to HR, pay, time, and culture solutions for all people helps 80,000 organizations around the globe and across every industry anticipate and adapt to their employees’ needs beyond just work. To learn more, visit ukg.com.
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