PeopleSoft Background Check Integration
We keep it simple. A no-hassle PeopleSoft HRMS background check integration.
(SwiftCheck utilizes an expert third-party integration company with over 23 years of experience for all ATS / HRMS integrations.)
PeopleSoft Background Check Integration
SwiftCheck provides a pre-built integrated PeopleSoft background check integration to users. This PeopleSoft integration allows background check information to the PeopleSoft HRMS. From the standard PeopleSoft background check integration to a complex PeopleSoft HRIS integration solution, SwiftCheck offers an integration that fits your organization’s needs. Our Swift Suite technology solutions allow better employment background screening turnaround times and cost-saving features without ever having to leave the PeopleSoft interface.
Oracle PeopleSoft
PeopleSoft, Inc. was a company that provided human resource management systems (HRMS), Financial Management Solutions (FMS), supply chain management (SCM), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise performance management (EPM) software, as well as software for manufacturing, and student administration to large corporations, governments, and organizations.
At work, we embrace diversity, encourage personal and professional growth, and celebrate a global team of passionate people developing innovative technologies that help people and companies tackle real-world problems head-on.
To learn more, visit Oracle PeopleSoft.
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